- I am an assistant professor at Umm Al-Qura University, college of Computers and Information Systems.
Recent News
- May, 2023: Our work titled “PHQ-aware depressive symptoms identification with similarity contrastive learning” is accepted in Information Processing and Management.
- March, 2023: Our workshop proposal titled “AICAI: Computational & Affective Intelligence for Computer Assisted Interventions” is accepted by MICCAI 2023.
- Feb, 2023: Our work titled “Cluster-Level Contrastive Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversations” is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IF: 13.99)
- August, 2022: My work titled “- A comparative geolocation and text mining analysis of emotions and topics during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK” has been accepted to JMIR (In Press).
- February, 2022: Joined Umm Al-Qura University as an assistant professor🙂
- January, 2022: Successfully completed my PhD🎉🙂
- December 14, 2021: Passed my PhD viva :)
- Sep, 2021: Presented our participtaion in e-risk workshop-2021.
- August, 2021: My work titled “Improving Textual Emotion Recognition Based on Intra-and Inter-Class Variations” got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IF: 13.99).
- June, 2021: My work titled “Predicting Sign of Depression via Using Frozen Pre-trained Models and Random Forest Classifier” got accepted at CLEF-2021.
- April, 2021: Presented my SpanEmo work at EACL-2021 :)
- January, 2021: My work titled “SpanEmo: Casting Multi-label Emotion Classification as Span-prediction” got accepted at EACL2021 (Acceptance rate: 23%/Track: 20%).